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175 Great Road, Bedford, MA 01730

Decoding the Appearance of Broken Capillaries

Broken capillaries, often referred to as spider veins or telangiectasias, manifest as fine, red or purple thread-like lines on the skin, frequently giving the appearance of a delicate spider's web or tiny tree branches.

Why Do Capillaries Break?

  1. Genetics: If your family members have them, you're more likely to develop them too.

  2. Sun Exposure: Prolonged exposure to the sun can weaken and dilate blood vessels.

  3. Aging: As skin becomes thinner with age, capillaries become more noticeable.

  4. Trauma: Physical injury or vigorous scrubbing can cause capillaries to break.

  5. Extreme Temperature Changes: Moving between hot and cold environments can cause blood vessels to dilate rapidly.

  6. Certain Medications: Some medications can dilate blood vessels, increasing the likelihood of breakage.

  7. Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol can cause temporary vasodilation, which may lead to broken capillaries over time.

  8. Pregnancy: Hormonal changes and increased blood volume can lead to broken capillaries, especially on the face.

Modern Treatments We Offer for Broken Capillaries

  1. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL): We offer Lumecca IPL. This light therapy targets the pigment in the capillaries, helping to diminish their appearance.

Understanding the intricacies of broken capillaries can empower you to seek the best solutions. Whether they're a result of genetics or external factors, modern treatments offer promising results. Please request a complimentary consultation to explore which treatment aligns with your skin's needs.

Broken Capillaries Causes and Treatments

Bedford, MA

Broken capillaries appear as tiny, red thread-like lines on the skin's surface, often resembling a spider's web or branches.